Self Directed Research

Black people in the media, how would you percieve them? As media consumers from Althussers view point we are said to be "ideological status apparatus" this means that however the media wants us to behave, we do that. It somehow could either reassure us or manipulate us into believing that a certain race, ethinc group behaves a certain way.
An article from Wikipedia talks about the stereotypes of Black people, in this article I found quite a few similarties to how it links to Get Rich and Die Trying and generally how society has altered our minds.
"African Americans as a group have primarily been stereotyped as animalistic brutes in American culture: physically rather than intellectually oriented, hedonistic (sexual pleasures), criminal-minded, violent, and willing to rape. They are more likely to be portrayed as unrestrained, hot-tempered, and profane (inclined toward use of profanity(swearing)) than Whites or others in movies and television shows."
Evaluation: This passage is explaining how the society or media has portrayed Black people and that is of the following characteristics such as animalistic, into rape, strong and not that smart and vulgar dialect.
Similarity in G.R.O.D.T: Marcus's body structure and the way he walks is off an aggressive behaviour for in one scene called "gangsta" he barges through people and they are scared of him. He also, swears alot even to his grandad " I'm a fucking gangsta, grandpa". However, he is quite smart for he is also trying to better his lyrics.
The article continues on with the following passage:
"African Americans are generally portrayed as intellectually, economically, and culturally inadequate, and soliciting or in constant need of assistance from Whites and others"
Evaluation: This is explaining the position that Black people especially American Black people are seen in the society. It also, explains how Black people are inferior to Whites for they need help from White people.
Similarity in G.R.O.D.T: Economically Marcus does not live in a proper house, he begins with living in a basement however, there is a few critcisms in this statement for Black people now especially celebrities are flourished in a very expensive lifestyle and way of living.
At the beginning of the article in pre American society the values were that Whites undermined everyone that were not part of their circle "As art is often a reflection of any given society, these stereotypes can be said to represent some or much of the American society's dominant view of different ethnic groups. Early media portrayals of Africans, Asians, Native Americans, the Irish, Italians and others tended to be overtly racist". The art of stereotyping is quite racial and can be quite hurtful the entertainment aspect to stereotyping is there merely to mock certain people.
Black males in entertainment focusing mainly in music and print.
Hip- Hop music is extremely popular especially with the rise of certain artists such as:

starting from the top to the bottom Chamillionaire,The Game and then 50 Cent to just name a few.
All these artists have one thing in common they want to break free from the gangster lifestyle and make something of themselves, this ideology is also present in G.R.O.D.T because Marcus does not want to sell drugs no more but, better himself and follow his dream- as a rapper. Oh yeah they all rap!!!

The image is of 'The Game' and the reason why I picked this certain African American is because just by his posture he is reinforcing the stereotype of Black males.
Firstly, The Game is not smiling which is stereotype that is associated with Black people, the reason for this maybe it is his signature look or as the headline suggests he does not need no one, this could be referring to anyone or anything so- breaking away from the misconseption that Black people rely on people even Whites.
Secondly, his body gesture seems quite aggressive with partially covered with tattoos this was a trend set by Tupac who, had tattoos over his body to express his emotions but, also seen as art.
Thirdly, breaking away from the stereotype that they are "economically not stable" he is holding platinum and a diamond incrusted necklaces which shows his power and strength.
Evaluate: Overall, I am trying to get across that even in print stereotyping is being reflected to us- and it is generally the stereotypes that society has drummed into us.
Music- especially Hip-Hop!
"The term hip hop (also spelled "hip-hop" or "hiphop") refers both to a musical (see hip hop music) and cultural genre or movement (hip hop culture) that was developed by African Americans and Latinos predominantly in urban communities over the last quarter-century."
Hip Hop music is some what of an art starting from the days of N.W.A to 50 Cent and The Game, music was the way to express yourself. A certain stereotype of Black people being entertainers is quite true for Hip-Hop is praticually dominated by them besides Eminem who is a white rapper with a lot of success. You could classify "The black person as entertainer"- from a sheet Mr Munroe gave. In G.R.O.D.T Marcus is seen as a child who started of making music by rapping in group who sold drugs in the night and possibly in the morning but, his true passion was music.
Hip- Hop influences many people to see how Black people lived and by expressing themselves they get heard. Kanye West released a song called "Jesus Walks" which is quite a controversial song but, sends a heavy and religious message a certain line stood out to me while I was listening to it "They be askin us questions, harrasin, arrest us"* referring to the police and how Black people are always being harassed - due to the stereotype of Black people being involved with crimianl activities. Even music has evolved into telling the truth and trying to break through these certain stereotypes. *
great post! i learnt a lot from it will be handy! :D
Joey xxx
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