Wednesday, October 11, 2006


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The film is addressed to urban African Americans especially males who can relate to the lifestyle of living in the ghetto. The primary audience is Black males, into Hip-Hop music aged between 15 to 25. However, the secondary audience could be people of all ethnicities so they can educate themselves in this type of lifestyle, males and females from the age of 15 to 25.It is quite simple, to identify the audience through the film because of the main protagonist.50 Cent has an influential impact upon many young males but also, due to the narrative and settings and the use of mise en scene it is quite simple to reach this target audience. However, the film has been censored differently in certain areas. In the UK, the film is rated a 15, in America it is a 16 however, due to the sexual and violence in Ireland the film has been rated 18. The size of the audience would be a mass audience because the target audience is quite big and many 50 Cent fans would be interested in watching his debut film. However, even though having a big audience the film was voted a flop at the box office, it was rated 3.0 out of 10 on the Internet Movie Database and part of the bottom 100.As an audience member I read and evaluated the text as a kind of biblical story of Curtis ’50 Cent’ Jacksons lifestyle. It actually made sense, some of his lyrics reflect his life and it is transparent through the narrative of the film.


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